Volunteering and Internships

Volunteering in sport helps you to develop new skills and experiences as you support organisations to make a real difference to people’s active lifestyles.

Volunteering in Sport

Volunteering in sport helps you to develop new skills and experiences as you support organisations to make a real difference to people’s active lifestyles.

Whether you’re sporty or not, we offer students and staff a large variety of opportunities to lead activity in the University and volunteer in the local community through our Sport Volunteer Scheme (SVS).

As a volunteer you can register your interest to volunteer by joining up to the scheme and completing your induction so you are ready to get involved. 

If you are from a community organisation which runs sporting activity and is looking for volunteers please register as a ‘PROVIDER’ on our system and we will be in touch. 

If you have any questions as a Volunteer or Provider please contact us on : sportsvolunteer@manchester.ac.uk 

Volunteering in the Community

Community groups

We link with a number of community clubs, organisations and charities where you can find opportunities to volunteer and help other have fun with sport and physical activity. 

All opportunities can be viewed in full on our Sports Volunteer Scheme website  ( you do not need to log in or register to check out what is available)

Our current opportunities are with : 

  • Manchester Young Community Champions who offer a variety of activities both in their youth club facility in Gorton and also at several other sites around Manchester. 
  • Fletcher Moss Rangers FC offer roles for coaches and coaching assistants for their football session which run from their facility in Didsbury for age groups 
  • Jumpspace  is a organisation based in Stockport which offers rebound therapy, trampolining and sensory play to those with disabilities and their families.
  • Lancashire Cricket Foundation offer opportunities to volunteer in all of their community programmes from Walking Cricket to Super 1s – Disability cricket for young people.  
  • DOSportUK – Disability Opportunities in Sport- offer a number of different session for young people with various disabilities and looks for volunteers who can engage with this young people to help them enjoy sport based sessions. 

If you are already volunteering with a local community club or organisation please let us know when you register as we can ensure that you can record this volunteering

One – off Events 

Manchester is host to many sporting events each year and volunteers from across the city play a vital role in making these a success. 

Some of the events which our volunteers have been involved with previously include: 

World Squash Championships

World Taekwondo Championships

Manchester Marathon

Great Manchester Runs, swims, cycles

Manchester Day events 

Commonwealth Games

Our Very Own UoM Purplewave Has lots of opportunities to volunteer at the various events throughout the year check them out under the events section

Logging hours and recognition

You can find details of community volunteering opportunities by searching the SVS portal. Just use the SEARCH bar and a enter a word associated with the type of event or the sport which you are interested in. 

After volunteering in the community you would need to log your hours on your profile on the SVS portal. Hours logged for community volunteering can be used towards an undergraduates HEAR and also towards the Making a Difference section of the Stellify award.  

Leading in UoM Sport Programmes

Take control by ‘Stepping up to Lead’ in one of our UoM Sport Programmes

UoM Sport runs a large variety of sport and fitness activities for participants of all levels which are predominantly led by student and staff volunteers.

Whether it is by being a UoM Sport club committee member, a Sporticipate session leader or a Sport League (campus sport)  captain, our sporting workforce is the beating heart of our activities.   

Leading a UoM Sport programme will provide you with a number of skills and networks which will benefit your University experience and future employability.

Volunteering on our programmes will also give you the additional benefits of access to bursaries for training & development, sport kit, recognition on your HEAR transcript. All of the voluntary leadership opportunities also support the ‘Step up and Lead’ element of your Stellify Award if you are an Undergraduate. Masters Student can use these toles for the ‘Champions of Change’ section of Stellify award. 

To be recognised as a Sport Leader and be rewarded on the ‘Step up and Lead’ / ‘Champions of Change’ section of Stellify leaders will be required to: 

  • Carry out a Sport Leader role (from UoM Sport) over the course of an academic year
  • Complete and log, on the SVS system, a minimum of 25 hours over the course of the year ( 1st June – 20th May)
  • Attend a mandatory training session related to the Sport Leader role held
  • Make efforts to improve skills and knowledge by taking continued development opportunities

Becoming a Leader 

To become a Sports leader, you will need to be appointed in to one of the following opportunities and complete the role specific training

UoM Sport Club Committee or UoM Sport Executive Committee

  • UoM Sport Club committee roles fall under the Sport Leaders roles and can be used for the Step up to Lead section of the Stellify award.
  • Applications to join a committee can be made by club members in April (for the following year) to the current committee and are voted on by club members at the club AGM in May.
  • UoM Sport Executive members are selected from committee members of UoM Sport Clubs. Individuals apply for one of seven positions and are then required to present to the clubs at the AU forum in June. After this voting will take place. For more details and how to apply contact : sport@manchester.ac.uk 
    • Social Media Officer 
    • Fundraising Officer 
    • BUCS/ Competitions Officer 
    • Sustainability Officer
    • Health and Wellbeing Officer
    • Inclusion and Diversity Officer 
    • Events and Varsity Officer 

For information on how to apply please email   sport@manchester.ac.uk

Sporticipate Session Leader

Sporticipate and Leadership opportunities   

Campus Sport Captains

Campus Sport and leadership opportunities 

Training Opportunities

Be the best in your role and make the most of the development opportunities available to you.

Training for all those on the Sports Volunteer Scheme is available from external Governing Bodies of sports in both coaching and Officiating. See the section on ‘Funding and Support’ on the Volunteering and Internships page.

Whether you are a community volunteer or a leader for a UoM sport programme, we have a wide range of training and development support available to you.

By volunteering for any of our opportunities, we are committed to supporting individuals through coaching qualifications, essential role specific training and any other relevant development opportunities that you may identify.

The University of Manchester also offers training internally on the areas of :

Training for Sport Leaders – Our programme of training for all ‘Leaders of MCR’  begins with a main event in September for all student leaders across groups, clubs and societies. Session are held to cover all the main committee roles in these groups as well as guest speakers sessions and information stalls and a chance to win fab prizes. 

This leadership training continues in October and November with chances to enhance and learn new skills related to running groups. And then again in February as part of ‘Leaders of Mcr- Let’s Check In’  


Emergency First Aid Booking link
Mental Health Awareness Booking link
Emergency First Aid Rugby Union – course FULL 

Your Recognition

Through your role with us, you will also be part of the Sports Volunteer Scheme which will support elements of your Stellify Award and also be recognised on your HEAR transcript.

University Recognition

Certificates and HEAR recognition

The Sports Volunteer Scheme (SVS) is an accredited programme on the HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Record).

This means that you will receive a level of credit on your academic transcript dependent on how many verified hours you complete, for each year that you participate in the scheme.

Certificates for your achievements are produced annually by the Sport office and are based on hours defined through the SVS table.

There is one certificate for community volunteering and another for volunteering as a Sport Leader 


Number of verified SVS hours

Achievement 10+
Bronze 25+
Silver 50+
Gold 75+
Platinum 150+

The Stellify Award

The Stellify Award is an initiative delivered by the University to help ‘Stellify’ students and create unique Manchester graduates.

The Stellify Award is for undergraduate students and runs across the length of your degree programme. Roles within sport can help you to achieve 2 of the 3 elements of the Stellify Award, either:

  • Making a difference; by completing 25+ hours of community facing volunteering across any UoM opportunity, which can be supported by your Sport community volunteering.
  • Step up and Lead; by completing 2 leadership roles, of which a UoM Sport leader role will count towards one of these, assuming you are activated on the SVS, attended the essential training for your role and completed at least 25+ hours of verified activity within the year.

Each element of the Stellify Award will also get a different HEAR recognition stamp in addition to any SVS acknowledgement on your transcript.

Funding and Support

Members of the University of Manchester community may be eligible for funding towards qualifications.

Purpose of Funding

To support students and staff at the University of Manchester to gain qualifications related to their volunteering on the Sports Volunteer Scheme
• Increase the skills of the Sports Workforce
• Increase the employability of UoM graduates who have participated in the SVS
• Increase the number of qualified coaches and Officials in the University
• Improve the quality of coaching and officiating offered in student sport clubs
• Increase the amount of coaching/ officiating activity in student clubs and community sport programmes

Criteria and Funding Applications

To be eligible for funding you must:

  • Be a current student or staff member at The University of Manchester
  • Registered and logging in hours on our Sports Volunteer Scheme (SVS)
  • Follow the commitments required of you through your Sport community role or Sport Leader position

How much funding : 

  • Applicants may receive up to 80% of the course cost (L1 or 2 or equivalent qualification), to a maximum of £150 if in their first year of study.
  • Applicants may receive up to 70% of the course cost (L1 or 2 or equivalent qualification), to a maximum of £200 if in their second year of study.
  • Applicants may receive up to 50% of the course cost (L1 or 2 or equivalent qualification), to a maximum of £200 if in their third/or final year of study.
  • Staff / Post grad applications will receive up to 50% of the course cost, to a maximum of £200.
  • Level 3 qualification funding will be considered on a case by case basis.

Please note:

  • Bursaries will be paid on successful completion of the qualification course and on agreement of volunteering – to be agreed on an individual basis.
  • Where a club is looking for multiple applications, please note a cap of 10 individuals from any one club for any one course is applied, but may be lower dependent on the course cost (over £100)
  • Funding is limited so applications will be assessed on a first-come, first-served basis. When it’s gone it’s gone!

Application assessment : 
All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Sports Development team. Applicants will be informed of results of their application within 2 weeks and will receive details of the bursary offered. (Applications will not be accepted retrospectively so should be submitted prior to commencement of course.)

How to apply


Online National Governing Body Training

All sports have a National Governing Body (NGB) which controls all aspects of the sport across the country they are operating in. During the current times many NGBs have moved elements of their coaching and officiating courses online so you can use this time to start your future development in these areas.

As well as official courses many NGBs are also offering webinars online. These sessions are giving learning on many areas from experts in the sports and definitely worth checking out the NGB website for your sport to see what is on offer that you can benefit from. Most of these sessions can be accessed free of charge.

To view all available courses visit our NGB Training Page.

Join your UoM Sport Committee

Find out information on joining your team’s committee!

Sports Volunteer Scheme Sign up



UoM Sports Clubs

To join on of our UoM Sports Clubs or find out more please visit their pages.


The Stellify Award

Find out about different Stellify activities and how they link to volunteering in sport 

What it is like to be part of SVS 

See what it is like as a sport volunteer from students that have taken part in the scheme and got the most out of their student experience.


Vanessa Cowan

In 2010 Vanessa Cowan got involved in leading campus walks, when SPORT promoted an in-house course to train staff to become Walk Leaders for the Walking for Health campaign. Run by The Ramblers and Macmillan Cancer Support, the campaign provides short, free, local health walks in communities across England and helps more people, including those affected by cancer, to discover the joys and health benefits of walking. “As I was already an active outdoor enthusiast, it seemed a really good idea” explains Vanessa.

Since then, Vanessa has led weekly lunchtime walks for staff, students and the general public as part of the Lunchtime Strollers Group. She and Betty-Ann Bristow-Castle (the scheme co-ordinator) are part of a band of over 10,000 friendly, specially trained volunteers who lead 3,000 weekly walks across England, providing encouragement and support, and making sure that no-one gets left behind.

Vanessa acknowledges that it’s the people taking part who keep her volunteering. “I know how much Betty-Ann and I are appreciated for devising and leading interesting and varied routes. Many participants have commented that they would end up sitting at their desks all day if it wasn’t for the group and having other people to share a walk with.”

Over the years, members of the group have become increasingly interested in walking and have expressed a desire to do more. Funded by the Sport Volunteer Scheme, Vanessa is now undertaking training to establish an additional walking group to venture out at weekends on the sort of terrain where she enjoys spending her leisure time – both locally and further afield. The training will also ensure that she meets health and safety obligations.

Vanessa is really looking forward to building an additional walking group outside working hours to give people more chances to get together, explore the wider region and grow healthier while making new friends. Vanessa said “A number of the Lunchtime Strollers are history, gardening and astronomy buffs, so I learn something new each week – usually while having a good laugh and a chat!”

Walking has definite benefits for the University from a health perspective. It isn’t always thought of as exercise but it is a great way to get active and prevent illness. If you already have a health condition, walking can get you back on the road to recovery and make you feel great again. Being part of a walking group can help you stay motivated.

Vanessa says “I would highly recommend the Sport Volunteer Scheme to colleagues at the University. The staff in SPORT have been so helpful with their advice and welcome courses. The scheme recommends four hours of volunteering a month but you can do as much or as little as you can manage. If you enjoy a sport and would like to share it with others or you’re involved with a club or organisation on any level, then the scheme is made for you.”

Toby Bartram - 3rd Year history and Politics

Name: Toby Bartram

Year of Study: 3rd

Degree: History and Politics

Sport & Role (s) in sport:

Table Tennis – President (last year), VP (this year), Sporticipate sports leader past 2 years

What does your role entail?

President/VP- ensuring we get teams out each week, running social media platforms, keeping members happy, engaged, and up to date with goings on, organising socials, Administration tasks, liaising with AU.

What motivated you to get involved?

First joining the club, it was a bit of a mess, with a small handful of members and large debts to the AU. My goal for running the club was to create an environment that brought together people from all different cultures, who would have never otherwise met and allowing them to bond over a sport that is easily accessible.

What has been the best thing about your role?

Increased Participation- Seeing the growth of the club from 7 members to now over 40 and still growing. I’ve made friends from all over the world and seeing them get involved with a new sport is very fulfilling.

Proudest achievement in position?

Seeing international students introduce the friends they made at the club to their families back home over FaceTime. I felt it encapsulated exactly what I wanted to achieve with the club – bringing a diverse group of people together that wouldn’t have otherwise met if it weren’t for the Table Tennis.

What has been the impact on your student experience?

For me personally, Table Tennis given me the perfect counterbalance to my degree, allowing me to make new friends whilst staying fit. I feel the mental health benefits of sport are underestimated, especially when you consider the large amounts of free time students have.

What skills have you learnt (specifically around leadership)?

As president it has increased my confidence and organisational skills immensely. When people look to you for leadership it forces you to actively take charge in situations where you may ordinarily be more passive.

I now feel comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people and taking charge, as the role has forced me to come out of my shell.

What would your advice be for others?

I would encourage others to get involved in leadership roles as it has given me life skills that a degree simply doesn’t provide. Leadership and working as part of a team had previously been weaknesses, however I now feel confident in these abilities.

What’s next for you?

The only thing that’s for sure, is that nothing is for sure!

Emily Hill-Smith

Name: Emily Hill-Smith

Year of Study: 3rd

Degree: BSc Psychology

Sport & Role (s) in sport: Women’s hockey – 3rd XI captain, Fixtures Sec, AU Exec: Mental Health & Wellbeing Officer

 What does your role entail?

3rd XI Captain

  • Organisation of the team for matches
  • Motivating the team to be involved with both Wednesday and weekend games
  • Negotiating with other members of the committee about fixtures / players
  • Engaging with the coach to help promote good training sessions
  • Acting as a role model during matches and taking responsibility for the team

Fixtures Sec

  • Liaise with Umpire Sec to ensure all weekend games had umpires
  • Communicate with the league to rearrange matches
  • Communicate with the Armitage centre concerning pitch bookings for the weekend games and for training sessions – including interruptions from JDC goalkeeper training
  • Arrange additional pitches for the club eg. Old girls / Pre season training

AU Exec – MH&W Officer

  • This was a new role and so I was lucky enough to be able to take the role in a direction I felt most valuable
  • Therefore, wanted to gauge the opinions about the wellbeing support and environment within the AU and Manchester SPORT
  • Constructed and delivered Wellbeing Survey
  • Contacted each clubs’ wellbeing officers to provide support to their role and help them with sending out resources / help with problems faced within their club – This group connection also allowed them to reach out to one another for support on how to better their clubs’ wellbeing

What motivated you to get involved?

  • For both the Captaincy and Fixtures Sec roles I was keen to be a part of the club’s committee and have a say in the decisions of the club and thus help to guide its future.
  • I felt that by being captain I could represent my team further and also felt that I was suited due to my natural leadership skills and strong commitment to the team
  • The AU Exec role motivated me due to its connection between sport and mental wellbeing, aspects as a psychology student, and aspiring sport psychologist, strongly appeal to me. I felt that this passion was needed to make positive change to the way wellbeing was handled within the AU.

  What has been the best thing about your role?

  • Being involved with decision making of the future of the club and being trusted and respected by team-mates
  • For the AU role, the best part was being involved with the leaders of Manchester SPORT and being at the forefront of important decisions which change the way the university works for the better.

Proudest achievement in position? 

  • Captain: Winning matches against our club’s 2nd XI who were playing in the same league (TWICE!)
  • Fixtures: My beautiful spreadsheet J
  • AU Exec: Gaining the Laski Award for commitment to the AU because of the large engagement from the clubs.

What has been the impact on your student experience?

  • All of my roles helped to increase my confidence and encourage me to become more involved within clubs.
  • Being part of committees with individuals whom I may not have otherwise been involved with helped me to make more friends

What skills have you learnt (specifically around leadership)? 

  • The ability to control the environment on a pitch when competitive tensions are high
  • Being sensitive to the different characters within the team – i.e. being aware of those who may slip through the gaps in social situations and allowing them to feel comfortable with everyone
  • A greater appreciation of how to organise large groups
  • A greater appreciation of how university sport is organised and the importance of getting things right – Eg. Editing the survey rightly took much longer than I initially expected.

What would your advice be for others? 

  • Get involved! – the years at uni go too quickly not to be. Anyone can do the roles as there is a lot of support from your clubs and from the AU.

What’s next for you?

  • Masters at Loughborough University studying Sport and Exercise Psychology

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Sport A to Z

View our A to Z of all the sports that we offer at Manchester.

Activities A to Z

Take a look at all the activities we offer to get you more active at Manchester.

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