A session ran by volunteers- Come and have a go!

These Weekly Mixed Netball sessions, starts 11th  June, why not come and join us and have some fun, improve fitness, learn how to play the game, ball skills and game tactics.

Whether you just want to try your hand at Netball or join one of our Campus leagues, this will be a great start to meet like-minded people and join our Network of Staff, Students and Alumni.

You can drop in on a ad hoc basis each week as pay as you go or you can purchase all in one go, the choice is yours!

Open to  beginners and very rusty Netball players 🙂


  • Time – 17.30 – 18.30
  • Venue – Sugden Centre, Grosvenor Street
  • Court B
  • Starting Tuesday 11th June running until 30th July ( and beyond if proves popular)
  • Cost – £1.00 each session or buy your weeks in one go ( see below to book ) – This is to cover the court hire
  • Bibs and balls will be provided
  • Wear -suitable sports trainers, comfortable moveable , breathable clothing such as shorts/t-shirt/leggings/track suit.


Book your weekly places here