The theme for Mental Health Awareness week this year is ‘Movement’ moving more for our mental health, encouraging people to find more moments for movement in their daily routines. This could be walking more or putting on your favourite music and having a dance around or trying a new physical activity. Movement is a great way to enhance our wellbeing. Even a short burst of movement for 10 minutes can boost our moods and increase our mental alertness and energy. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety and help you to sleep better. You can read more tips on increasing your daily movement here
UoM Sport have a great Active Manchester programme to help keep you moving and for clearing the mind, we have over 50+ group session running over two sites and online, we have relaxing movement sessions such as Tai Chi, Yoga or Pilates or the more vigorous sessions such as Kettlebell, Spin or Zumba. We also have a great fitness suite if you want to work out on your own, for more information on Active Manchester please click here
UoM Sport also have a lunch time jogging running group for staff and also an evening student group ‘Run wild’ that is great for movement and social interaction. Staff running here – Student running here
Sporticipate – Student only, from 13th – 24th May we will be hosting free exercise de-stress sessions at the Wellbeing Rooms, Simon Building, we have limited places so you must book in advance. To book click here and to view the schedule please click here