Staying Active in 2023!
As we are all getting back into the routine of things following the festive break, UoM Sport wanted to share the range of opportunities available for staff and students.
Our Exam De-stress timetable kicks off on Monday 16th January running to the 29th Jan. Here you can take part in activities such as Dance, Yoga, Boxercise and Indoor Cycling. All activities are free for students, timetable and information on how to book is here.
On Saturday 28th Jan 10am-4pm we have our Holistic Yoga Retreat. The day offers, three Yoga sessions -Iyengar for healthy backs, Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga, a 10-minute massage, a lovely healthy vegetarian/vegan lunch supplied by Benugo café, and for the last session of the day you can fully immerse yourself in the relaxing sound of the gongs and healing sounds. For further information and to book place (whilst they last!) click here.
The Be Active programme continues to run, providing over 50 fitness and wellbeing sessions per week. You can either take out our annual Be Active membership ensuring you can access as many sessions as you would like as often as you would like. Or you can access via our pay as you go membership. Check out our Be Active page to see the range of activities on offer and how to sign up.
If you are using January as a time to get out walking or running then we have a number of sessions and resources that can help. Check out our running and walking pages to find routes and PurpleWave information.
Student aimed runs :
Run Wild https://www.sport.manchester.ac.uk/sport-and-activity/sport-a-to-z/run-wild/
Restart 31st January 2023
Meet venue : Old Quad behind Whitworth Hall
Monday Women only 6.15pm
Tuesdays Beginners 6.15pm – new or returning to running
Tuesdays Continuous running groups 6.15pm – approx. 5km continuous run
Thursday 6.15pm – 4km group running
Staff / PG aimed runs:
Running groups aimed at Staff and Postgrads but all welcome
Regular sessions:
Tuesday and Thursday Lunch time from Denmark Road Sports Centre – 12 noon meet for 12.10 depart
Thursday evening –5.15pm from MECD
Start point on or near main campus for all details click here
New group for back to running or beginners
From Thursday 26th January 2023
Meet at MECD ( New Engineering Building A – Booth Street Entrance )
17.10 Meet time for 17.15 leave
Come ready to run.
On Tuesday 31st Jan we have a number of our sport groups taking part in the Refreshers Fair. Come along to Academy 1 between 10am and 4pm to find out more about the huge number of sports and activities you can access throughout your time at UoM. There will be a number of clubs there on teh day ready to talk to you about how to get involved. Further details can be found here.
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