Funding advice and Support
As the 2022-23 year is well underway, we wanted to share information on some of the opportunities, advice and guidance that is available for students and sport groups. We are aware of the financial pressures that students may be facing currently so wanted to collate and highlight the support available through UoM Sport, The University and the Students Union.
To support clubs in providing more for new members there is the UoM Sport ‘Development Fund’ that can be applied for. This is open year-round and can be applied for more than once. The purpose of the fund is to ensure clubs can provide opportunities for new members to try the sport. It will not cover sport groups ‘core costs’. Additional to this the Student Union have a ‘FundIt’ grant that can also be applied for, to support events and additional activities for all student groups.
To support individual students the University has a ‘Cost of Living’ Fund that can be applied to. The SU has an ‘Access to Recreation’ grant that will also provide up to £100 for student who are eligible to support with things like membership fees.
Further support, advice and guidance, as well as links to the application process for all mentioned opportunities can be found here.
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