Weekly Club news 21st March 2022
Weekly Round Up – 21st March 2022
With BUCS Wednesdays coming to a close, we still have lots of good news stories to share about our sports clubs, and what is going on at the moment…
Sport Exec Committee 22/23
The UoM Sports Team will be looking for a new Sports Exec Committee for the 2022/2023 academic year. Keep an eye out on social
media and weekly updates for more information and applications soon!
Netball Fundraiser
The UoM Netball Team put on a stellar fundraiser alongside Luxome Homes to clean up the local area by completing a little pick around
Fallowfield. The money fundraised is working towards putting funding towards sending their 5s and 6s to BUCS Leagues next year. Check out their instagram @uomnetball to find out more!.
AU Sports Ball
The AU Sports Ball and AU Awards are coming soon on the 5th of May! Award applications are open and have been sent directly to clubs. Get excited to celebrate all of the successes and achievements of all of our athletes from this year
UoM wins!
M Rugby Union 2s vs Keele’s 1s (27-0)
Mixed Softball 1s vs Mixed Kent 1s (4-3)
W Hockey 2s vs Manchester Met 1s (4-0)
W Hockey 5s vs Wrexham Glyndwr 1s (24-0)
W Lacrosse 2s vs Lancaster 2s (8-4)
W Tennis 2s vs Liv. John Moores 1s (4-2)
W Volleyball 2s vs Bangor 1s (2-1)
BUCS Standings
1243.5 Points
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