LGBTQ+ History Month 2022
Rainbow Laces and Stonewall
Join UoM Sport as we celebrate LGBT+ History Month 2022!
At Manchester we are proud to support all of our communities. Each year we join the Stonewall Rainbow Laces campaign to show our support of the LGBT+ community within sport.
Supporting LGBT+ History Month
We want to make sport at the University of Manchester inclusive for all and therefore, this month we are asking what we want to achieve in the next fifty years. This year marks 50 years since the first Pride event in the UK. What kind of world do we want to see for LGBTQ+ people in 2072? Using a range of resources from Stonewall and other organisations we will look at how we can improve our support for the members of the LGBT+ community within sport and the wider community, in the future.
Students and Staff
We will be speaking to members of the UoM community and asking what kind of world do we want to see for LGBTQ+ people in 2072?
We will also be running the following events/campaigns throughout the month. If you would like to get involved please send us an email.
Panel discussion
How many LGBT+ sports people can you name? Probably not many! Being out at the top of your game as a member of the LGBT+ community has always been, and continues to be, a barrier for many top athletes. During this short session we’ll hear from some LGBT+ sports people, their stories, their struggles and their triumphs. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss how we can be more inclusive at UoM for all to be involved in sport.
Special guests include Olympic swimmer Michael Gunning, Olympic race walker Tom Bosworth, and sports lawyer Leon Farr!
Join us for our panel discussion event on 14th Feb 16:30-17:30 – register for a free ticket here in advance: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbtq-history-month-panel-talk-tickets-261150246417
We are looking to get student representation as part of this panel discussion. If you identify as LGBTQ+ and would like to get involved please get in touch by emailing frances.spink@manchester.ac.uk and giving a brief introduction of yourself and why you would like to be involved. This would be an excellent opportunity to be able to share your experience within Sport, and use this platform as a way to reach a wider audience of students to promote inclusivity within Sport.
Rainbow Day – 23/02/22
Show your support by joining us for Rainbow Day on Wednesday 23/02/22!
If you have any sporting activity on that day, show your support by wearing your Rainbow Laces! If you are a member of a sports club, speak to your committee about claiming some free pairs from the uni. If you need to purchase more laces, you can do so by emailing Erin Williams <Erin.Walters-Williams@stonewall.org.uk> or on the online shop here.
On the 23/02/22 we are also encouraging everyone to dress up in their most colourful clothes to show their support of LGBT+ History Month. If you would like to be involved, get in touch and don’t forget to tag us in your Rainbow Day posts @UoMSport!
Social Media Campaign
UoM Sport will be running a social media campaign throughout the month of February focussing on our question: what kind of world do we want to see for LGBTQ+ people in 2072? so look out for our posts and on our website for news articles about what we are up to and how we are celebrating.
Last year we ran a successful campaign where we interviewed students involved in sport who identified as LGBTQ+. We would love to run something similar this year, if you are involved in sport and identify as LGBTQ+, and would like to find out more about how to get involved, please contact frances.spink@manchester.ac.uk. Please pass this on to anyone who you think may be interested.
LGBT+ History Month across The University of Manchester
There are a number of events happening across the university. To find out more follow the links!
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