Welcome Back!
On behalf of everyone at UoM Sport we hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for 2022!
As January gets underway and we head into the exam period we have a fantastic De-Stress programme available for you to access. The programme provides a range of fitness and wellbeing activities, both virtually and face to face, providing a great opportunity to get active and feel refreshed before heading back to revision! The De-Stress programme starts on Monday 17th and runs to Friday 28th Jan. To view the full timetable and book onto session click here.
If the New Year has inspired you to get active or increase your fitness levels then why not access the Armitage Sport Centre. Here you can exercise in a newly refurbished gym utilising a range of cardio and weight equipment. If you are a first year and yet to take out your Resfit membership you can now do this for just £35 for semester 2!
There will be a number of fantastic programmes and events that staff, students and the wider UoM community can access over the coming months. One of the most exciting of these will be the PurpleWave 10k and half marathon. After 2 years of virtual events we are delighted that the 2022 event will be in person on Sunday 22nd May as part of the Great Manchester 10k run. If you want to set yourself a challenge and give yourself a goal to work towards on register here.
We do all we can to ensure safe practices and make our sessions covid secure, to help us with this please make sure you. Please do not attend any sessions if you have symptoms and remember to follow the covid reporting procedure if you do test positive. UoM Sport | Covid Reporting – UoM Sport (manchester.ac.uk)
Although we are delighted to be back we are more than aware that there are still a number of challenges as a result of the pandemic. There may be times when we have to rearrange or cancel sessions so please always check our social media channels and the websites for updates @UoMSport.