Weekly Competition Round Up 22/11/21
Weekly Round Up – 22nd Nov 2021
Congratulations to all who competed this week, in BUCS and beyond! Here is a round up of some key successes…
Cue Sports
The men of UoM CSC represented Manchester at the BUCS 9-Ball Competition in Telford this past week, where they won the team trophy! They have some more competitions next semester, so expect to see some more Ws from them!
UMGC competed in Loughborough this past weekend, and came out with some amazing results! There were some incredible performances across all of the squads, with a special shout out to Naomi, who competed in the Elite Category and came 1st overall. They have BUCS Champs 5-6 of Feb 2022, so look forward to seeing more big results from them then!
Table Tennis
There was a big couple of matches from both the Women and Men’s Table Tennis teams, with the M2s beating York 2s 9-8 in the final doubles game, and the W1s beating Liverpool 1s 4-1! Both matches were in the knockout cups so were important wins to progress!
More UoM wins!
M Water Polo 1s vs Nott. Trent 1s (22-4)
M Football 1s vs UCFB 1s (2-0)
M Squash 1s vs Bangor 1s
M Hockey 1s vs Newcastle 2s (4-1)
M Tennis 1s vs Edinburgh 1s (6-0)
W Netball 1s vs Leeds Beckett 1s (74-56)
W Basketball 1s vs Sheffield 1s (60-46)
W Rugby Union 2s v UCLan 1s
W Volleyball 2s vs Northumbria 2s (3-0)
W Badminton 2s vs York 2s (5-3)
BUCS Standings
1172 Points
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