Weekly Competition Round Up 31/10/21
Weekly Round Up – 31st Oct 2021
Congratulations to all who competed this week, in BUCS and beyond! Here is a round up of some key successes…
It was a great week for both Men’s and Women’s Tennis Teams, the M2s won 6-0 vs Northumbria, M3s also won 6-0 vs Keele 2s, W1s ALSO won 6-0 vs Sheffield, and W2s won 4-2 vs Liverpool! !
The Men’s Rugby First Team took on Bangor Men’s 1s this past week and won with a huge score of 108-0. They also had their annual Old Boys match this past Saturday (6/11), great job to all players, old and new!
Men’s Volleyball 1s took on Sheffield Men’s 1s this past week and came out with a win of 3-1! Congrats to Manchester’s Player of the Match Marton Gonczy!
More UoM wins!
WFutsal 1s vs Durham 3s (15-2)
WBasketball 1s vs Sheffield 1s (82-38)
WBadminton 1s vs Leeds 2s (8-0)
WFootball 2s vs Salford 1s (6-1)
Netball 2s vs Chester 1s (69-22)
MHockey 4s vs MMU 2s (4-2)
MBasketball 1s vs Leeds Beekett 1s (89-69)
MFutsal 1s vs Chester 1s (4-2)
Am.Football1s vs Liv. JM 1s (28-20)
MHockey 1s vs Sheffield 1s (3-0)
MSquash 1s vs Sheffield 1s (5-0)
BUCS Standings
880.5 Points
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