Weekly Competition Round Up 07/11/21
Weekly Round Up – 7th Nov 2021
Congratulations to all who competed this week, in BUCS and beyond! Here is a round up of some key successes…
Manchester Quidditch competed at Quidditch UK’s Northern University tournament in Salford. They won 4/4 games, winning their division! !
American Football
It was a momentous game for the Manchester Tyrants this past Sunday, where they won a close game against Division Leaders Sheffield Hallam! In the history of the team, this feat has never occurred, alongside the fact that they have now won the most D1 level games in the clubs history!
Ultimate Frisbee
Both Men’s and Women’s Ultimate Frisbee teams hadvery successful past weekends,with the women’s team winning their first BUCS fixture vs Liverpool (9-2), and the men’s team made Div 1 Nats after placing 2nd at their indoor tournament!
More UoM wins!
W Waterpolo 1s vs Northumbria 1s (36-6)
W Football 1s vs Newcastle 2s (3-1)
W Badminton 1s vs Leeds 2s (8-0)
W Fencing 1s vs Lancaster 1s (135-103)
Netball 2s vs Salford 1s (60-53)
W Lacrosse 2s vs Bradford 1s (25-2)
W Basketball 2s vs Chester 1s (45-33)
M Waterpolo 1s vs Liverpool 2s (24-4)
M Volleyball 1s vs Lancaster 1s (3-1)
M Squash 1s vs Northumbria 1s (5-0)
M Table Tennis 1s vs Lancaster 1s (13-4)
M Hockey 1s vs Lancaster 1s (2-1)
M Tennis 1s Northumbria 1s (6-0)
M Basketball 1s vs Leeds Beckett (89-69)
BUCS Standings
1084.5 Points
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