Looking back at LGBT+ History Month
Each year we come together to celebrate LGBT+ History Month by wearing rainbow laces. However, this year with covid restrictions we had to change the way we approach the month.
Allyship in Sport
Throughout the month we have been encouraging our community on social media to consider what makes a good ally. Using information from Stonewall Charity we have shared advice on what we can all do to make sport a more inclusive space for all.
By promoting the use of pronouns, listening to LGBT+ people’s experience, challenging abuse, educating people, and celebrating LGBT+ achievements in sport we can move towards becoming a more inclusive community.
What Qualities Make a Good Ally?
Throughout the month we also asked students and staff ‘What makes a good ally’? We had a range of responses which you can check out on our Instagram page!
We interviewed students within the AU who identify as LGBT+ about their background in sport, their experience as an LGBT+ member in university sport, what LGBT+ History Month means to them, and how to be a good ally. These interviews are available on our Instagram too.
Staff Rainbow Zoom – 10th February
To show support to the LGBT+ community, attendees at our online fitness classes wore their most colourful clothes.

AU Rainbow Day – 17th February
Each year we have a rainbow laces day where all our AU clubs wear rainbow laces for their BUCs fixtures. As we couldn’t display our support through laces, our AU clubs dressed up and decorated their houses to show their support of the LGBT+ community.
Clubs got creative with their involvement in rainbow day.
Volleyball hosted a Q&A with LGBT+ members of their club, asking questions such as:
- How can sport clubs and the AU help with inclusivity?
- What would be your advice to your younger self about your sexuality?
- What is the importance of the language used within sport?
Women’s Football hosted a skills competition, posting videos of skills challenges with a rainbow theme.
Korfball ran a creative submission challenge.
Waterpolo and Cricket held separate LGBT+ quiz nights.
Women’s Rugby League made cakes and other foods incorporating a rainbow.
Rainbow Day Gallery

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
at The University of Manchester
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